Friday, March 28, 2008

On-Line MODFLOW Guide

With all the versions of MODFLOW coming from the USGS these days, it is hard to keep up with incompatibilities & quirks. This is especially true when using Groundwater Vistas because we support almost all flavors of MODFLOW and most of the new packages and processes. The USGS has an on-line guide that is pretty useful. It has all of the users manuals for the various versions and packages and there is also a stand-alone guide you can put on your computer. It even has a chart of package compatibility. For example, the new UZF (Unsaturated Zone Flow) Package only works with MODFLOW2005 and the GMG (Geometric Multigrid Solver) Package does not work in MODFLOW96. It really pays to read the manuals for each package you are using, especially the really new ones like SFR, HUF, ETS, DRT, etc. Here is the link to the MODFLOW Guide:


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