Wednesday, May 30, 2012

New Version of MODFLOW-NWT (1.0.5)

USGS released a new version of MODFLOW NWT (1.0.5) on May 14.  We have it in Groundwater Vistas Version 6.20 Build 4 on our web site now.  Several changes were made to the code including some changes to the meaning of the keywords "simple", "moderate", and "complex" in the NWT solver.  An option was added to output data for wells where pumping rates were reduced.  This is not yet supported in Vistas. Bugs were fixed in SFR2 and MNW2.  Some of the output formatting was also changed for these 2 packages. 

Error checking is now added for the Drain, GHB, and River packages.  If the head assigned to either of these packages is below the layer bottom, an error is reported and the model stops.  So if you have a model that ran fine before this update and now it stops, that is likely the reason.

Finally MNW2 fluxes have now been added to the Link-MT3DMS file.  Actually we had added this a while ago but it is now official in the USGS release.

One other change has been made related to LAK3 Package.  There was a bug in MODFLOW2000/2005/NWT for 2D models that include lakes.  Actually it's possible that 2d models were never supported with LAK3 - not sure about this.  In any case, this problem causes the model to crash.  I reported this to USGS and they fixed it very quickly.  It is not in their release yet but they were kind enough to send me the fix.  So our versions of MODFLOW2000, 2005, and NWT all have this change. 

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Free Webinar on May 14

My next free webinar will be at 11 am and 8 pm Eastern time (usa) on May 14.  The topic will be interfacing GIS with Groundwater Vistas.  In preparing for this webinar, I have created some new functionality in GV to better deal with GIS data.  I like these webinars because they force me to focus on topics that require a lot of tech support or areas where we get a lot of questions.

You can sign up for the webinar by clicking on the links located on our main web page at  Both sessions will be the same.  I will upload the best recording from the 2 sessions a few days after the webinar.  If you cannot attend live, you can always download the recording later.