Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy Holidays!

We hope you have a Happy Holiday season!

From now until January 5, we may be a bit slow in responding to email. We apologize in advance if you have to wait longer than usual for answers to your questions.

Jim Rumbaugh

Friday, December 12, 2008

New Features in GV5.30 Build 2

It's been a while since I posted the changes made to Groundwater Vistas. Here is a summary of changes since V5.26 Build 2:

- The matrix calculator now has the ability to limit calculations to a range of HSU zone numbers

- The HUF Package will now save heads and flows for HUF layers to files compatible with GV. To import these results, however, you need a version of your model with the number of layers equal to the number of HUF layers. (See previous post on use of HUF in GV)

- Time can now be displayed in titles (AE/Title) using the code #1# (number one between#). When GV sees this in a title, it takes the simulation time you have imported for contouring multiplies by a factor and adds to a base value. The base and multiplier are set under model/notes/model description

- The HUF Package has been hooked up to Pest. Each HUF layer is treated as one parameter so the all K values in the layer are scaled proportionately. When using HUF and PEST, the Kx and Kz parameters in the parameter spreadsheet are set with the zone number equal to the HUF layer number.

- Added Reservoir Package (RES) - see prior post on this issue.

There were also a few bugs fixed:

- Line boundaries were not hooked up to the SSM package in MT3D
- Still a few issues with generating SFR2 input files due to ambiguity in SFR manual
- MF2005 requires first line of BCF to be read list-directed contrary to the manual
- There was a problem with color-flooded user variables if they were not also the contour variable
- Using AE/Modify/Pilot Points/Reset from Database did not work on recharge and storage points
- Exporting walls (HFBs) to shapefile did not work when the model was rotated.
- Continuing memory problems with MODFLOW2005. We fixed a few more issues but there are still likely many remaining. If you have problems, send us your model. Note this is an issue with the original USGS code and not with Groundwater Vistas.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

No More ftp

We have closed our anonymous ftp site in favor of using our web site. If you were used to checking ftp.modflow2000.com for software updates, you will now need to go to http://www.groundwatermodels.com and click on the Clients button. Create a login and then you will see the various files available for download. There is also an upload area where you can either drag a file into the upload bar or click browse to find the file that way. If you do upload a file, be sure to send us an email letting us know it is there.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Reservoir Package in Groundwater Vistas

The Reservoir Package (RES) is an old one for MODFLOW but we never supported it because it did not seem to get much use. However, we have seen a couple of models lately that use it so we just finished putting the RES package in Vistas. You can get the update (5.30 build 2) from our web site at www.groundwatermodels.com and click Clients.

Reservoirs are special versions of Lakes in Vistas. So you add them by using BCs/Lake. You'll see a check-box on the dialog that says this is a reservoir. Then some fields will be grayed out and others will have different labels according to what the RES package needs as opposed to the lake package. RES package is turned on and cell-by-cell flow unit number set under model/modflow/more packages. The few options are set using model/modflow2000/options - Lake3/RES tab.

ZoneBudget with Groundwater Vistas

You can use zonebudget from the usgs with Groundwater Vistas. Make sure to get the very latest one (http://water.usgs.gov/nrp/gwsoftware/zonebud3/zonebudget3.html). Easiest thing to do is after unzipping, copy the file zonbud.exe to the gwv5 directory. To run it, open a console window in the working directory (find the working directory in Windows Explorer, right-click, and choose "open console here".) Then type zonbud and hit enter. One thing it will ask for is a zone file. To get that, in Groundwater Vistas 5.30 Build 2 and later, use Props/Hydrostratigraphy and then Props/Export/Zone numbers. Remove the first check so that all layers are exported and then check the last item to save in zonebudget format. That is the file that zonebudget will eventually prompt for. Also, you'll need to save all cell-by-cell flows to the same unit number so they are all in one file if you want all components of the budget in one run.