Free Webinar in November
I've added a new free webinar on Thursday, November 10. The topic will be migrating from MODFLOW88/96 to the newer MODFLOW2000, MODFLOW2005, and MODFLOW-NWT. Even though MODFLOW2000 has been out for over a decade, a lot of modelers who grew up with the classic version are reluctant to change. Plus there are a lot of legacy models still using the older versions. This webinar will discuss the things to watch in moving to the new MODFLOW versions, including important new features and packages. Differences between the newer versions will also be described.
The webinar will last about one hour and be presented at 11 am and 8 pm Eastern time (USA) on November 10. You can sign up on our web page at Just look for "Free Webinars" right in the middle of the main page.
The webinar will last about one hour and be presented at 11 am and 8 pm Eastern time (USA) on November 10. You can sign up on our web page at Just look for "Free Webinars" right in the middle of the main page.